[KPZ86] The seminal paper introducing the KPZ equation, which describes the evolution of a growing interface in terms of a stochastic PDE.
[Cor12] A comprehensive survey explaining key breakthroughs leading to the exact one-point distribution for the KPZ equation with narrow-wedge initial data.
[Hai14] A groundbreaking work that rigorously constructs a solution to the KPZ stochastic PDE
using the theory of regularity structures, resolving longstanding analytical challenges.
[ACQ11] A seminal paper that computes the one-point distribution of the KPZ equation, linking
KPZ fluctuations to Tracy–Widom statistics through integrable probability methods.
Recent advances
[CH14], [CH16] Develop the Brownian Gibbs property for the Airy and KPZ line ensembles.
[MQR21] Constructs the KPZ fixed point—the universal Markov process limit of KPZ-class models—with explicit Fredholm determinant formulas for multi-point distributions.
[QR22] Develops the KP equation for the KPZ fixed point distributions. This and the previous paper
are summarized in [Rem22].
[DOV22] Establishes the directed landscape as the scaling limit of last-passage percolation models,
serving as the universal random geometry underpinning KPZ growth.
[BSS24] Introduces the stationary horizon as the unique invariant coupling for the KPZ fixed point,
linking it to the structure of semi-infinite geodesics in the directed landscape.
[BCY24] Develop a framework of two-layered Gibbs measures to describe stationary measures for
geometric LPP and log-gamma polymer models, providing a unified description of the open KPZ
stationary measure.
Cutting edge work by participants (in no particular order)
[BB24] ASEP via Mallows coloring
[BC24] Mallows Product Measure
[AB24] Colored Line Ensembles for Stochastic Vertex Models
[ACH24b] Scaling limit of the colored ASEP and stochastic six-vertex models
[ACH24a] KPZ fixed point convergence of the ASEP and stochastic six-vertex models
[LS23] Contour integral formulas for PushASEP on the ring
[MR23] Exact solution of TASEP and variants with inhomogeneous speeds and memory lengths
[ANP23] Colored Interacting Particle Systems on the Ring: Stationary Measures from Yang–Baxter Equation
[Zha23] Shift-invariance of the colored TASEP and finishing times of the oriented swap process
[KZ24] Asymptotics of dynamic ASEP using duality
[FKZ24] Orthogonal polynomial duality and unitary symmetries of multi-species ASEP(q, θ) and higher-spin vertex models via ∗-bialgebra structure of higher rank quantum groups
[AH23] Strong Characterization for the Airy Line Ensemble
[DLM23] Large deviations for the q-deformed polynuclear growth
[CHHM23] Exceptional times when the KPZ fixed point violates Johansson's conjecture on maximizer uniqueness
[BL24] Pinched-up periodic KPZ fixed point
[LZ25] An upper tail field of the KPZ fixed point
[TTB+TTB 24] Partial yet definite emergence of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang class in isotropic spin chains
[JRAS22] Ergodicity and synchronization of the KPZ equation
[GRASS23] Jointly invariant measures for the KPZ equation
[She23] Independence property of the Busemann function in exactly solvable KPZ models
[BS23] Time correlations in KPZ models with diffusive initial conditions
[BLS22] Limiting one-point distribution of periodic TASEP
[BPS23] Differential equations for the KPZ and periodic KPZ fixed points
[DS24] Viscous shock fluctuations in KPZ
[Tan24] An invariance principle of 1D KPZ with Robin boundary conditions
[Tsa22] Exact lower-tail large deviations of the KPZ equation
[LT21] Short time large deviations of the KPZ equation
[WY24] From asymmetric simple exclusion processes with open boundaries to stationary measures of open KPZ fixed point: the shock region
[Bus23] Non-existence of three non-coalescing infinite geodesics with the same direction in the directed landscape
[DZ24] Characterization of the directed landscape from the KPZ fixed point
[HP24] The Directed Landscape is a Black Noise
[Wu23] The KPZ equation and the directed landscape
[MPPY24] Grothendieck Shenanigans: Permutons from pipe dreams via integrable probability
[PS24] Rewriting History in Integrable Stochastic Particle Systems
[DK24] Global asymptotics for β-Krawtchouk corners processes via multi-level loop equations
[CM24] The Symplectic Schur Process
[IMS22] Solvable models in the KPZ class: approach through periodic and free boundary Schur measures
[IMS23] New approach to KPZ models through free fermions at positive temperature
[DFV24] Arctic curves of the T-system with slanted initial data
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[ACH24b] A. Aggarwal, I. Corwin, and M. Hegde. Scaling limit of the colored ASEP and stochastic
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J. Baik and Z. Liu. Pinched-up periodic KPZ fixed point. arXiv preprint, 2024. arXiv:2403.01624
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