About • (papers) • (CV)

Professor of Mathematics, University of Virginia.

Leonid Petrov works in integrable probability, an area of mathematical research at the interface between probability / statistical physics on the one hand and representation theory/quantum integrability on the other. He applies tools from integrability (symmetric functions and Yang-Baxter equations for solvable lattice models) to analyze the asymptotic behavior of stochastic models motivated by a wide range of real-world questions, including the structure of ice and other condensed matter, magnetism, quantum spin systems, thermodynamics, traffic models, and directed polymers.

Keywords: Integrable probability, KPZ universality, interacting particle systems, six vertex model, Yang-Baxter equation, stochastic vertex models, Bethe ansatz, Macdonald processes, random tilings, symmetric functions, algebraic combinatorics

Teaching • (all)

In Fall 2024, I teach two sections of MATH 2310 Calculus III (syllabus).
Class times: MoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pm and MoWe 3:30pm - 4:45pm, both in Monroe 122.
Office hours: Mon 11:30AM-12:30PM, Wed 10:30-11:30AM, or by appointment (by email).

Recent news and links

  • Slides for the talk "How we can use AI in Math work" (October 2024 at UVA)
  • Blue Ridge Probability Day, 1-5pm, Kerchof 111, October 4, 2024.
  • Students and postdocs

    My Picture at MIT Random tiling

    Mailing Address

    Leonid Petrov
    Department of Mathematics
    University of Virginia
    141 Cabell Drive, Kerchof Hall
    P.O. Box 400137
    Charlottesville, VA 22904-4137