Colored vertex model

Virginia Integrable Probability Summer School 2024

Monday, July 8 to Friday, July 19, 2024

University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

The aim of the school is to educate the participants in recent trends around Integrable Probability - a rapidly developing field at the interface of probability / mathematical physics / statistical physics on the one hand, and representation theory / integrable systems on the other

Organizers: Leonid Petrov, Daniel Slonim, Mikhail Tikhonov


Previous summer school (2019)

Mini-courses• (Full schedule)

Week 1 (July 8-12)

Week 2 (July 15-19)

Weekly schedule [room: Clark 108] • (Full schedule)

Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday

Wednesday and Friday

Travel and local details

Registration, financial support, and accommodation deadlines