MSRI program Fall 2021

In Fall 2021, I am in residence at the MSRI Program Universality and Integrability in Random Matrix Theory and Interacting Particle Systems, Berkeley, CA, August 16 - December 17, 2021.

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Particle Systems course

MATH 7370 Probability II. Particle Systems (Spring 2021) • Course page

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Multitime distribution in the backwards Hammersley-type process

MATH 7370 • Probability Theory II: Particle Systems

[Spring 2021 semester]
Conjectural orthogonality for N=2

Random polymers and symmetric functions

Surveys integrable random polymers (based on gamma / inverse gamma or beta distributed weights), and explains their connection to symmetric functions. Based on a joint work with Matteo Mucciconi.

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Front of percolation

MATH 3100 • Introduction to Probability (2 sections)

[Fall 2020 semester]
Two lattices with equal partition functions. This leads to a refined Cauchy identity

Refined Cauchy identity for spin Hall-Littlewood symmetric rational functions


Fully inhomogeneous spin Hall-Littlewood symmetric rational functions \(\mathsf{F}_\lambda\) arise in the context of $\mathfrak{sl}(2)$ higher spin six vertex models, and are multiparameter deformations of the classical Hall-Littlewood symmetric polynomials. We obtain a refined Cauchy identity expressing a weighted sum of the product of two $\mathsf{F}_\lambda$’s as a determinant. The determinant is of Izergin-Korepin type: it is the partition function of the six vertex model with suitably decorated domain wall boundary conditions. The proof of equality of two partition functions is based on the Yang-Baxter equation.

We rewrite our Izergin-Korepin type determinant in a different form which includes one of the sets of variables in a completely symmetric way. This determinantal identity might be of independent interest, and also allows to directly link the spin Hall-Littlewood rational functions with (the Hall-Littlewood particular case of) the interpolation Macdonald polynomials. In a different direction, a Schur expansion of our Izergin-Korepin type determinant yields a deformation of Schur symmetric polynomials.

In the spin-$\frac12$ specialization, our refined Cauchy identity leads to a summation identity for eigenfunctions of the ASEP (Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process), a celebrated stochastic interacting particle system in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class. This produces explicit integral formulas for certain multitime probabilities in ASEP.

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